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Every Woman Happy, Every Woman Healthy and Every Woman Making a Well-Life Happen!


Awareness.Action.Advocacy. Activate your Triple A card – Dr. Teri

Since October 2013, Dr. Teri has improved the well-being and health of women through the Women’s Health HERstory (WHH), a community-based platform to empower women to become champions of their own health and loved ones through forums, interviews and media posts. WHH utilizes the expertise and collaboration of BFFs (Beautiful Fit, Free and Fierce Friends) of the health, wellness and scientific community present information centered-around topics such as fitness, nutrition, chronic diseases and prevention, infectious diseases, reproductive health, dental hygiene, healthy relationships, stress management, preventive screening measures, mental health, complementary medicine, healthcare access, health advocacy and public policy. 

In addition, WHH gives rise to the next generation of health and scientific leaders and aims to promote small businesses with a health and wellness mission.

Listen to some of the past archived Women’s Health HERstory forums or view the latest post on Instagram.

Dr. Teri’s HERstory - It’s not just professional for HER, It’s Personal

Like stairs, Life has its twists and turns but God provided HER a silver lining in the clouds of doubt called wisdom, training, faith, tools and lifestyle medicine. – Dr. Teri

Throughout her life and education, Dr. Teri became interested in cancer prevention, reproductive health and mental wellness due to her personal and familial health challenges. During her adolescence and early twenties, she remained physically active with cheerleading, stepping and exercising to aid in her overall well-being. Because the risk of greater exposure to estrogen “estrogen dominance” and painful leg cramps, she stopped taking birth control (oral pills and transdermal patch) by the age of 25.

During her last 2 years of graduate school, she discovered painful lumps in the right axillary area of her breast. An ultrasound revealed breast lesions accompanied by enlarged painful axillary lymph nodes. She underwent a breast biopsy and a lymphadenectomy to remove these nodes. Although, the pathology results did not reveal any signs of malignancy, the experience allowed her to cultivate a new appreciation of the importance of breast cancer research and preventative interventions for improving the health outcomes of patients, survivors and those who are at increased risk for breast cancer like her own family.

In her early 30’s, she was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. To relieve symptoms and to slow and prevent the growth of them, she was intentional about eating a plant-based, whole foods diet, taking nutriceuticals, minimizing dairy and flour, limiting alcohol consumption and sugar intake. Also, Dr. Teri became vigilant about learning more about her family health history and previous surgeries specifically amongst her parents and their siblings. There were many overlapping similarities including dense breasts, fibrocystic breast tissue, heavy menses, the history of fibroids, fertility issues and premature hysterectomies.

Knowing and being aware of your family history is one thing but taking action is a must. Dr. Teri started to embrace a more holistic way of living and understood that healing and restoration is far beyond conventional medicine and accounting for genetic mutations but would require her undying faith in the omniscient God and utilizing what he has provided on earth, emotional freedom, a self-care regimen including DIY and naturopathic therapies, energy work, mindfulness and to be conscious about her environment. 

Although, today life still happens and lemons such as family cancer diagnoses and her own personal aches & ailments, she uses her education, tools and practices to be purposeful, to make lemonade and be in harmony.

Lifestyle medicine is one of those tools used for vitality on earth and to manifest a life well-lived and well-loved.- Dr. Teri
