I am my Sister’s KeepHER (December 2017)


Hey sis, doing a heartbeat check,

I know, I know you’re doing fine or you’re ok. 

But really.....How are you doing? Because truthfully I’m feeling uneasy in my body, soul and spirit. The S on my chest no longer serves me. I went to school, attained multiple degrees, landed a lucrative position, live in the best neighborhood, fully insured and even have a few businesses yet still..... I can’t put a bandaid on the inequities I face- prejudice, discrimination, miscommunication, stereotyping, harassment. Many say well it is what it is but does it have to be because although I look 10-15 years younger internally my organs are almost 8 years older than my colleagues who are my same age. I wonder why? 

Did I mention that I’m caregiving for my aging parents and relatives and have been named the executor of my mentor’s estate. I’m honored to do so.....who else is going to do it. You know everyone else in the fam are recovering from drugs and alcohol, just came home after 20 years in the pin and finally able to keep a roof over their heads. Yes, I’m trying to manage these multiple roles but the truth is my anxiety is keeping me up at night, so many tasks not enough time. Well, at least I was promoted last week. That’s right your girl is the director. Boss lady.....Hmmm, I’ll just need to miss my morning Zumba class.

Well, that’s just the way it is. Did you hear about Lez? Just 38. My heart goes out to her fam. Gotta schedule that doc appointment. Thanks for just letting me take off my cape for a brief moment. 

Now sis, I said How are you doing?

I am my sister’s keepHER...... -Dr TLL

#stress #healthdisparities #coping #superwoman #systemiceffects #susceptibility #healthcare #BelieveyourBody #HelpUs


Dr. Teri Larkins